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- Accommodations for Students
- Activist
- An Individualized Political Journal
- Analyze structures creating and perpectuating power
- Apply concepts and theories of political science
- Assignments and Due Dates
- Checkbox tag and transclude macro
- Checkbox tag macro
- Class Attendance Policy
- Class Meeting Schedule
- Consider events and actions in other political systems
- Course Objectives
- Demonstrate a factual understanding of the American political system
- Diversity GenEd Guidance
- Diversity GenEd Objectives
- DWS Style Sheet
- Engage with the American political system
- Explain methodology used to generate conclusions of research cited
- Exploring objectives for DEISJ in the Political Science Class
- Free Classroom-based Political Space
- General Education: Civic Engagement
- Grading and Evaluation
- hide sidebar
- hilite macros
- Learning Objectives
- Modified Diversity GE Objectives
- myObjective
- myRole
- myRole-155370827
- Novice
- Objective1: SUNY Diversity GenEd
- Objective2: SUNY Diversity GenEd
- Objective3: SUNY Diversity GenEd
- Observer
- Opportunity to participate in a free space
- ordering tags
- Political Roles
- POS 110 Course Objectives
- Required Resources
- Select Learning Objectives from Multiple Sources
- Shape actions using principles
- Social Science GE Objectives
- Spectator
- Speculator
- StretchText
- Student Outcomes
- SUNY General Education Diversity: Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice
- SUNY General Education Social Science Knowledge Area
- Syllabus
- Task: 5 minute talk on craziest political scene from last 3 years
- Task: 5 minute talk on current political activism
- Task: Ask and answer a question about politics and share it in a quick-talk
- Task: Complete quizzes chapter 1-5
- Understand multiple dimensions of political actors, from personal to system
- Writing With Code